Star Wars, additionally recognized in Spanish as the war of the galaxies, is a franchise composed mostly of a collection of films developed by the American filmmaker George Lucas in the 1970s, and also generated as well as dispersed by The Walt Disney Business A from 2012. Its framework defines the experiences of a team of personalities that populate an imaginary galaxy as well as communicate with components such as pressure, An area of esoteric and also universal power that possesses a luminous side driven by wisdom, nobility and also justice as well as made use of by Jedi, as well as a dark side made use of by the Sith as well as created by anger, concern and also Hate. The very first film in the series, Star Wars: Episode IV — A new hope (1977), featured stars like Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew as well as David Prose. Although it had many problems during manufacturing, 20th Century Fox cared for it...